The Project has been working since 2011
... Fundraisers from 165 countries
have already been with us!
have already been with us!

On 11th of November, we have turned 6 years old!
%fname% %sname%
%city%, %country%
%fname% %sname%
%city%, %country%
Благотворительное пожертвование to CF Whole World |
%fname% %sname%
%city%, %country%
Account is inactive. Funds have been sent to CF Whole World |
Registered participants
This is the number of participants registered since the beginning of the project in November 2011.
Many of them have already become successful fundraisers.
Many of them have already become successful fundraisers.
Current registration:
- %time% UTC
- %fname% %sname%
Fundraisers received
This is the total amount of funds received by fundraisers since the beginning of the project in November 2011.
Current receipts:
- $%amount%
- received
- %fname% %sname%
Transferred to CF Whole World
This is the total amount of funds transferred by the participants for charity purposes during the whole period of cooperation of the project with
CF Whole World, i.e. since January 2013.
CF Whole World, i.e. since January 2013.
Current receipts:
- $%amount%
- from
- %fname% %sname%
Show Events
How to start an unlimited stream of good deeds
and get rewards for that
and get rewards for that
You take the Charity Relay baton
and make a small donation

Thanks to your charitable donation to the Whole World charity fund, seriously ill children will receive the necessary help, and the fundraisers which are your upline partners within the Relay will get rewards for effective fundraising!
You pass the relay baton to other people,
and they do the same thing

You pass the charity relay baton to other people,
and they, in their turn, pass it then and there!
and they, in their turn, pass it then and there!
In this way, your partnership structure is being formed,
and its depth can reach up to 7 generations.
and its depth can reach up to 7 generations.
The number of people you can personally invite
to participate in the project, IS UNLIMITED!
to participate in the project, IS UNLIMITED!
It results in the stream of charitable donations
from people from over the world

Every time anyone of your partners within the team make a charitable donation, you receive the reward you deserve!
The more actively your partnership structure grows, the more money is sent to charity, and, in addition, the more and more rewards for effective fundraising you get!
We have already helped
Participants Reviews

Ana Creighton

J Martel

Luiz Cesar Dos Santos

Jim Roberts

Lester Dulay

Jonathan Vazquez

Mohammed Essemani

Omar Villarruel

Ernest Petruf

Paul Wiekel

Gil Santos

Terri Fuentes

Gonzalo Valencia

Hugh Martin

Lennox Kalaka

Dwane Hobbs

Mridul Debnath

Mohammed Aldighrir

Karlheinz Ralle

Pengkeang Srin

Javier Cortes Aburto

Dorde Marjanovic

Manuel Jr Lopez

Raed Rahmat

Angel Manuel Bautista Tejeda

Winston Hanson

Antonio Fernandes

Erick Visconti

Esdras Mejia Tovar

Edilson Costa

Aurangzeb Tunio

Hans-uwe Hoffert

Walter Mashala

Elizabeth Moura

Mong Marma

Maria De Fatima Smith

Hursit Bilgic

Fikile Mashinini

Marcelo Yamaguchi

Mohan Sankaranarayanan

I do believe in helping other ... I do believe with innovation the hole world become one, and because of many reason; we can be a part to be a whole I join the Whole World International Development Program of public charity without not doubt ... " helping people with need is priceless... God bless this company in deed Ana
Hi! Helping people in this period of time is fundamental because I am convinced that the financial system and money market are very unsecure. So more and more people will need help. Myself, as independant therapist could not receive help when I had an accident few years ago and could not work. Now I am better but, when an independant worker stops to work for few years, he loses his clients and did not receive any money. Since I had also to move in another town...everything is to start again pratically from nothing. So I need help, actually. But I am not anxious about that. I helped myself many people through Plan Program for years. But I find that WW, now Whole World fundraising Program for Charity is much more efficient. Everybody wins in this program. The Charity programs and self as we need it. If we don't need it at the moment, the money we received, we will share, first with our owns (children etc) and after with Charity Programs around us. Personnally, I will always provide with Whole World because it is so much efficient. We can help so much people. And the need is so great. I saw WholeWorld get greater and greater, more and more efficient, year after year. I am very proud to be part of this nice movement. So don't hesitate to participate for yourself, your loved one and much much more others. Sorry for my bad enWholeWorldish....I am a french canadian speaker. Jaya Krystal (jeanned.martel) Montreal, Quebec, Canada
I am Brazilian, I live in the United States atuamente. Working with the Information Technology and the Whole Word program found on the Internet. I really liked the idea and initiative. It is a well established way to collaborate and also get financial aid. The program is transparent in its explanations and gives you all the information and future projections of the amount that was donated to the program and what your chance of winning.
My name is Jim Roberts and I am originally from Wheeling, West Virginia in the United States. I currently live with my son in Bethesda, Ohio, USA. I have two children a daughter who lives in San Antonio, Texas and my son, Timothy that I live with. I have one grandson, Quentin age 3. I served in the United States Coast Guard for 22 years and am now retired. I have always had a humanitarian heart and choose to live my life in the service of others. I love helping people and that is why I decided to join Whole World. If it helps others I am all for that. I think it is a special opportunity for all of us to make a positive change in the world.
I'm a Filipino from the Philippines I'm a nurse and currently residing and working here in UAE al ain, I'd just saw this at social media, and decided to join to help at the same time to earn. Very nice idea having a fund raising like this,. and I myself have a dream to have my own foundation to help others,. maybe this will be the way..
Making a difference is always about little things, and becoming a part of WholeWorld is just adding your own grain of sand to people who need. We will do our best to help all the people who are in need around the world! Make a difference, join the project, become a grain of sand to change the world.
Combien notre monde a besoin de programmes qui aident les enfants malades mais aussi peut être une solution réelle pour changer, pour le meilleur, la vie quotidienne de beaucoup de familles dans le monde. Whole World est parfaitement le cas et qui répond au besoin de tout un chacun sur la planète. C'est le programme que j'ai rejoint en 2012 et que je n'ai jamais regretté d'y être comme membre actif. J'ai toujours reçu mes aides financières instantanément avec toujours les messages qui m'en avisent. Tous mes amis qui ont rejoint Whole World
Soy de Argentina Decidí sumarme a la comunidad de WholeWorld para ayudar y porque me pareció una empresa seria. También quiero ser recompensado y lograr independencia financiera. Y si esto funciona como dicen mis compañeros de la comunidad con más experiencia en la compañía, donaré más dinero. Un saludo a todos los hispano hablantes!
Homo sapiens crown of creation is contradictory a creature can create a wonderful things, but he can even to destroy much ... good and evil is in all of us depends only on us what we give more space ... in the world there are many people who have problems surviving and are dependent on the help of others because in their country do not have the opportunity to live in satisfactory conditions , but the most of children suffer ... each of us after death take only his deeds, therefore, not we waste time and let us give from what we have in addition to those who in need so they can at least die with dignity if they no longer have the possibility to to live with dignity ... Unfortunately not saying in EnWholeWorldish - am using PC Translator.
WholeWorld is wonderful opportunity to help others who are less fortunate. I'm a christian internet marketer and have been online for over 12 years. One of my strugWholeWorldes is that online businesses tend to be self-serving. Big houses, big boats for the Big ME. :) I'm WholeWorldad I joined WholeWorld. And you should too. Rarely would you find a chance to unify an online business that pays you so lucratively - and allows you to help people who are less fortunate than yourself. I personally know of many people who wish to engage more in charitable acts. People whom God has blessed with way more than they need. And who are willing to lend a hand to fellow human-kind. If you know people like that or you have a similar heart of giving, join my team in WholeWorld. And help us make this world a better place.
Olá Sou Gilvan Santos. Atualmente estou morando no Brazil. Tomei a decisão de participar dessa comunidade porque acredito que apenas uma pessoa não pode melhorar o mundo. Mais se essas pessoas reunir suas forças a mudança se torna real. Estou bastante alegre e confiante a respeito de minha participação na wholeworld. Acredito que são as boas intenções e as boas ideias que revolucionam o mundo. Apesar do mundo estar passando por crises, acredito que esse programa de caridade internacional poderá melhorar muito, a vida das pessoas tanto particular como familiar Estou iniciando na comunidade, por isso estou torcendo muito pelo sucesso de todos. Desde já agradeço.
I love lending a hand up to people in need:) I own a business that helps save lives by providing Emergency Records as a sleeve for anyone's identification. So that First Responders can assist someone on the scene of the emergency. I wanted to add Whole World to my business Portfolio, as I have been blessed by lending a hand up to others, I hope to be blessed in return with Whole World.
Esta organización y método de donaciones con perfil internacional, definitivamente que es la estocada final para todos los que queremos hacer un mundo mejor. No hay nada que reemplace la satisfacción de dar o ayudar a personas, aun sin conocerlas, es una bendición sobre todo saber que el mayor aporte va directo a la fundación que ayuda a niños con graves problemas de salud. Mi ideal es hacerle saber a muchas personas la esencia y el verdadero significado de este sistema de donaciones, que Dios los bendiga.
My name is Hugh Martin I am from Selma, AL. I join this organization on Monday 4/25/16, registered on Sunday 4/24/16. The reason I decide to join this community, I like giving to help others, in this case sick kids. Kids are our future, we must give to keep them well. We must teach them so they can lead the way. I also like the business opportunity of Whole World Charity. I am very excited about this organization. I will do all I can to help others, and help myself to the best of my ability. I want to be a success in this charitable community.
Hello everyone, My name is Lennox Kalaka. I am a Zambian citizen aged 40. I come from a town called Kabwe, in Central Province of Zambia. Well, I came to learn about Whole World Partnership on social media in January, 2018. After reading more, about it, I got interested and quickly joined the community. The idea to develop the international charity program is great. I want to be part of the community who are concerned about the welfare of mankind world-wide. Firstly, I believe that we are one people regardless of our nationality, race, religion and gender. Today, the world has millions and millions of less privileged people. It beats me to see my fellow human beings undergo untold hardships. This is the more reason why I want to be part of a community that is rendering support to people who need it. I am made to believe that together we can change this world
I would like to take the time to say hello to my new extended family. My name Dwane Hobbs. I am form the United States. I discovered Whole World on facebook media. I joined this community in May of 2015. The reason why? Is because of the protential of the company people helping people. I do believe that this a right and honest way to develop a International Charity program. My plans are to help share this awesome and unique program to the rest of the world. I have already achieved some success in my internet business. NOW!! I can add this amazing program to my portolio.
Don't hit so all fit.........0027 I am in in internet in WholeWorld and millions of people will see it! i think thats GREAT i am creative man and parsonaly i am a 3d movie story writer and a i am good man,i love sky,read poet and story in horrer and i will try write a storry for horrer movie. thanks
I am so happy being here, nothing better than helping needy people wherever they are whatever they are. WholeWorld open the door for all of us to express our humanity, i remember a song on 80s done for Africa named "we are the word", and here is our song of the new century for the whole world "we are the WholeWorld". Many people getting rich by different ways, but in WholeWorld people getting rich by helping people, that's so special.
Hallo! Ich lebe in Delmenhorst bin 66 Jahre alt und bin vor zwei Jahre beigetreten. Das Projekt ist ausgezeichnet, Gib niemals auf. Man tut was mann Kann. Nehmen Sie teil an einen Whole World-Marathon!!! Mehr als 700 Tausende von Menschen,aus verschiedenen Teilen der Weld. H aben bis heute Zehtausende von Kindern, warten auf finanzielle Hilfe sobald Zahlung in Höhe von $100. Werden Sie dazu beitragen, das Leben eines Menschen zu retten. Dieser Whole World-Marathon hat dazu beigetragen, Geld zu sammeln für den Betrieb von schwerkranken Kindern. In verschiedenen Teilen der Weld
Hello Gentlemen, My name is PengKeang, I live in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. I am very happy to have been registered with the Whole World, because I was offered $ 50 for children. Although I have a little money but I can help them. All countries in the world have some poor, some wealthy but must be able to help. A pity, love one another, making us feel fresh and happiness in life. I love all the people in the world. Finally, let all the people know how to love one another and help one another, whether rich or poor.......
Hola!, mi nombre es Javier Cortés y soy de la Ciudad de Puebla, Pue. (México), hace aproximadamente 4 meses y medio me enteré de esta magnífica oportunidad en la Internet y decidí no esperar mas, me percaté que había menos de 10 personas registradas en todo México y que en los países latinoamericanos ¡eran terreno virgen! para WholeWorld International. Algo que me conquistó fue saber que podíamos AYUDAR A SALVAR VIDAS de muchos niños en el mundo que están listados en la base de datos de la fundación Whole World, y que el sistema de WholeWorld International, era el medio por el cual esto podría lograrse de la forma mas eficiente, yo me he aprendido los nombres de muchos de estos niños y de los hospitales donde se atienden, pues de forma sincera estoy comprometido con lo que es para mi "nuestro principal propósito". Así que decidí tomar el liderazgo en los países hispanos y en tan solo 90 días llevamos a México de la posición 90° en el Ranking Mundial que ofrece en sus reportes la Fundación Whole World, a la posición 8° dentro de una lista de mas de 122 países...!!!, y hemos extendido ya nuestra red de benefactores ha Estados Unidos, Costa Rica y Argentina y seguimos creciendo de forma por demás exponencial. Mis planes son llevar a los países latinos a los primeros lugares a nivel mundial en el ranking de la Fundación, y demostrar que podemos influir en el mundo de forma positiva, "Ayudando Financieramente" y "Salvando Vidas". Tu puedes ser par
In my life I have worked many different jobs, trying in different ways to get to earnings. and many times I moved from scratch. Right now i have new scratch in my life. Originally am from Serbia. Since 2009 I have lived in Italy and from June 2013 in Austria. Through the life of me followed mainly the difficult situation, and I always asked for additional income and opportunity. Mostly I worked for a small change that would additionally earned. If I'm lucky, I'll work all my life for 6$ - 7$ / hour. However now I have six months without a job, and the only support I own is the whole world organization. 105$ / year is not a lot of investment which primarily can bring, socializing and signing of a new friendship, and then the potential financial well-being in these difficult times. After, a good review site Whole World, I decided to try this way of life. Live like a Benefactor, and the Charity Relay Race I want to bring in popularity as was the Ice bouquet Challenge and in September 2014 (Novak Djokovic, Conchita Wurst, Dan Bilzerian, Kristijan Kiki Golubovic) I had an unsuccessful attempt. Do not give up and from the first of April 2015 (Nik Vujicic, Usain Bolt, Paris Hilton, Jason Statham and Arnold Schwarzeneger), I decided to try again and now with even stronger desire for success. Officially I will open youtube channel and you will be able to see all my video files. What I want is to draw media attention and I run this program among celebrities. All the best!
Hi! I'm Manuel Lopez Jr.presently working in Dubai. Its really great to encounter amazing organization like WholeWorld International where it aim to bring people around the world and help together and unite with one purpose mainly in helping the unfortunate and secondly for financial purposes, May God Bless our plans....
Hello to our friends around the world I am from Jordan very happy that I have become one of the members (whole world)where I find pleasure in helping others and help each other and I hope to continue to work hard and we are continuing to take advantage of others It's great work and a great professional, orderly and what he is doing all those responsible for this wonderful site I hope anyone to see that my message is registering now and without hesitation (whole World ) humanitarian work and has a benefit for all people around the world without any great two elements Now - now - now - not tomorrow? Register and be one of the members of the (whole World )
Hello my name is Angel Manuel Bautista I'm from Dominican Republic, between last night and I decided to because I saw that it is a good opportunity to help people, the idea of charity for everyone program was what caught my attention, I intend to achieve one of the highest levels facing the program :D
My name is Winston Hanson, I'm from Jamaica NY. Presently, I'm in the U.K. My favourite pet is a cat. My favourite songs: Reggae, Classical and Inspirational. My hobbies are among a few things: Swimming, fishing, cooking etc. However, I had placed strong emphasis, on education; due to the fact that I have seen it as: top priority, in acknowledgement of long time and short time goal settings, which isn't dismissed from my biographical information, without appropriate plan or a collective road map. Manifestation will fail to materialize. However, my purpose here is among a number of reasons: communicate with people from all walks of life, be a part of the rich content, adherent to the protocol etc. I'm sure without a shadow of a doubt I will meet people who shares my thoughts, believes concepts vice versa. Before I forget multicultural is among my focal Purpose also…As for Gold Charity: I can see that it is a good project. I am hereby encouraging everyone to be a part of this world unity. WholeWorld is a great organization. I am very happy with it.
Olá o meu Nome é António Fernandes nasci em Portugal e admito que vibro de emoção por viver esta maravilhosa realidade de fazer parte de um grupo de homens e mulheres de todas as raças e credos, impelidos pelo objetivo altruísta, ajudando crianças de todo o mundo e fortalecer os benfeitores que me anteciparam abrindo caminho para um paraíso na terra. Por favor não tenha medo de contribuir para o bem. Principalmente não tenha medo de apreciar o bem, e de acreditar que tudo que der ao mundo o mundo lhe multiplicará.
Hola gracias por estar aqui, He desarrollado un sistema que te ayudará a tener ingresos en paypal gracias a WholeWorld. Utilizando una técnica que combina marketing de afiliados y multinivel. Lo mejor de todo es que las personas que estan en mi red pueden desarrollar el mismo sistema gracias a que tengo los videos que el prospecto anda buscando en internet, respuestas a las preguntas mas comunes. plan de compensacion como pagar pruebas de pago como crecer la red, donde publicar y como hacerlo, ponte en contacto conmigo para poder hacer equipo.
soy inversor técnico independiente en forex, 6 años de experiencia , siempre he querido ayudar a la comunidad, y no encontraba la forma de hacerlo ya que hay mucha gente engañadora en la red, y hace pocos días buscaba una fundación para ayudar a la gente y pues conocí WholeWorld International, donde se puede ayudar y ganar dinero al tiempo , al principio no me parecia convincente pero aqui estoy, ya que veo mucha seriedad y Gente sincera. No he obtenido ningun resultado todavia porque es mi primer dia, pero estoy con la expectativa, que sucedera ? Funcionara? Es Real? " Solo espero beneficiar y ser beneficiado"
Olá, meu nome é Edilson, sou brasileiro, nascido na Cidade de Belém capital do estado do Pará situada no norte do Brasil, porém há muitos anos resido na cidade do Rio de Janeiro onde fiz todos meus cursos e aperfeiçoamento pela Marinha do Brasil onde cheguei a promoção de 2º Sargento, e hoje sou empreendedor e tenho trabalhos na internet e foi através de amigos que conheci o projeto WholeWorld onde fiquei apaixonado então resolvi me juntar e fazer fazer parte desta comunidade. Pois olho para este projeto de uma forma absolutamente contrária a outros projetos onde só se tem visão do dinheiro e aqui não porque sei que este dinheiro que aqui emprego vai ajudar quem de direito, pessoas que não conheço mas quem sabe um dia conhecerei e saber que através da minha mínima ajuda se se fez grande e esta pessoa pode sorri outra vez. E quanto aos meus planos quanto a este projeto, espero que nunca ele se expire, para que eu possa ajudar mais e mais aqueles que precisam, para que suas cirurgias sejam executadas e pagas, peço a Deus que me conduza neste projeto, para que eu possa sempre ajudar, porque não existe nada neste mundo do que vê uma criança de bem com a vida, brincando, trazendo alegria a seus pais e estampando um grande sorriso nos lábios porque o futuro a elas pertence. Fica aqui registrado o meu grande apreço e paixão por este grande projeto: Há uma passagem bíblica que diz: "É dando que se recebe" e eu fico muito feliz quando vejo uma criança feliz. Deus seja louvado!
My name is Aurangzeb Tunio living in Karachi Pakistan, working in Local Airline , its my hobby to participate social media making new friends, like travelling visited USA, UK, Singapore, Dubai, Thailand . Charity, helping its sound of my heart , I like those who helping hands and sharing happiness, when i seen in Facebook checkout details decided to join, Svetlana doing Good job.
Das Gefühl zu haben, dass es noch mehr Menschen auf der Welt gibt, die den Gedanken des "Menschen helfen Menschen" in sich haben und weiter tragen macht mir Hoffnung, dass die Welt und damit auch die guten Menschen noch vorhanden sind und damit der Traum von einer besseren Welt weiter leben wird.Ich bin WholeWorldücklich ein Teil dieser Vision sein zu dürfen und freue mich die welt mit meinen kleinen MöWholeWorldichkeiten jedenTag ein bisschen besser machen zu können. Vor allem aber denen ein wenig Hoffnung geben kann, die es sowieso sehr schwer im Leben haben. Wir haben schon öfter Kinder aus Tschernobil bei uns gehabt, die leider schon aus dem Leben gegangen sind, diese Kinder waren für jedes liebe Wort und jeden Tag bei uns sehr dankbar. Von diesen Kindern könnten viele Erwachsene gerade in Deutschland sehr viel lernen. In diesem Sinne alles Liebe und herzliche Grüsse an alle von Hans-Uwe Hoffert
The world is full of surprises & yet we dont know what the day has for us in store tomorrow, let alone those who are suffering under our watch, we as humans, should we let them suffer or we should take action?? taking actions does not mean me alone forking out thousands of money to help someone with life threatening issues, we also have to bear in mind that this poor people did not wish to have this life threatening sickness that is why Whole World has come up with this clever way of helping those who are in need of a help, forget the millions that you will definitely make here on Whole World & think of those you will be helping with the money you will be donating. Donating $100 to charity & in return you get $1 million.... WOW where have you seen something like this??? NOWHERE Only Here At Whole World. you will not only be helping with charity work but also earning as well, try it & you wont regret it Together We Stand Apart We Fall
Ola! Sou Elizabeth Moura, sou brasileira natural de Sao Paulo e moro hoje em Indaiatuba, uma cidade muito agradavel do interior Paulista. Conheci este projeto maravilhoso atravez da internet e me interessei muito pela proposta de ajudar e tambem ser ajudado. Busquei conhecer mais a fundo e entrei em contato com pessoas ja dentro do programa. Pude constatar ser este projeto verdadeiro. Poder investir seu dinheiro, tendo retorno e com isso ajudar outras pessoas necessitadas ao redor do mundo, acho fantastico. Parabenizo os fundadores da Whole World e convido voce a fazer como fiz e tambem ingressar neste projeto. Sucesso a todos!
I am an online and offline Network Marketer. I was in Forever Distributor which is real good company but now a days become difficult to sell the products. Therefore I look for another option and found the WholeWorld. In February 18, 2015 I met the WholeWorld through Ms. Julia Biryukova, she is my upline partner. I am seeing she is working well and getting 2nd Prize in last month. At first I wonder does WholeWorld really will work or not because of now a days a lot of scam website including online investment company can see easily but a few online company can discover which is real working including WholeWorld. First I have signed up, before taken activated I have checked all the things of WholeWorld and then decided to be upgrade my account and business status too and working in it. The WholeWorld system is real great, simple, legal, transparency and easy to do understand the system including marketing plan if look well. I like this WholeWorld system. Now I am getting benefits from it and helping others to get involved the WholeWorld as if they can get benefits like me. I like to recommend you to get involve the WholeWorld wherever you live if you want to get extra income by helping others needy people. Wishing you all the best. Regards, Mong Marma
My name is Fatima, I'm Brazilian and I live in Los Angeles, it was a coincidence that I discovered Whole world on the internet, I found the idea very interesting and I decided to read more about it, I saw several videos and testimonials from people from various countries. I decided to take part and I'm still at the beginning of the walk, but I'm loving every moment, every discovery. It is a beautiful project that is very organized and allows you to help people and be helped at the same time.I am learning slowly and I hope to do everything right and be part of this great community for many years.My congratulations to the creators of Whole World that already has 160 Countries. thanks
Karşılık ve mali yardım alma WholeWorld Charity gibi bir şey olağan görünümünü değiştirir. Biz ahlaki değil, aynı zamanda maddi tatmini sadece getiriyor sadaka katılımın çok daha hoş ve ilginç olduğunu kanıtlamıştır! Sadece ... hayal karşılığında kamu hayır nesnesi haline ve tüm dünyada insanların ücretsiz mali yardım almak, sadece bir kez bir hayırsever bağış yapılmış olması. Topluluğa daha aktif davet yeni katılımcılar, daha fazla para transferleri sadaka yönlendirilir, ve daha sık mali yardım almak! Eğer mali yardım olarak alabilirsiniz parasal fonların hacmi bir WholeWorld üyesi olmanın neredeyse sınırsızdır. Bu günde 10, 50, 100 hatta 1000 transferler olabilir! Ve para transferleri 0.2-15 USD tutarında olabilir. Başlayın»Nasıl öğrenin Sadelik ve İşlemler Güvenlik Eğer elektronik ödeme sistemleri ile aşina değilseniz veya kesinlikle önemli değildir. Altın Hattı toplumda ödeme mekanizmaları son derece basit ve erişimi kolay, ve tüm işlemleri otomatik olarak gerçekleştirilir, böylece sistem tasarlanmıştır! Uluslararası ödeme hizmeti WalletOne sağlayan ve WholeWorld sistemi (WalletOne, W1) mali yardım almak için kullanılır.
My name is Fikile from Durban, I love the idea of the international charity program cos for me it is a way of touching lives who are in need. Knowing that I have somewhat made a difference with my little donation gives me the fulfilment. I plan to tell more people about Whole World and the fact that what you do comes back to you either good or bad that is why I choose to do good.
My name is Marcelo, I am Brazilian, but I live in Japan in search of a better life for me and my family. Enjoyed the system of WholeWorld International and I want help people change their lives. Today people do not have much motivation due to lack of opportunities or problems at work. I go through this same problem, so I decided to change everything for the better and feel very happy to provide the same joy to others worldwide.
Everyone should thank the founders of this program. It is a good cause to cultivate the habit of helping each other for their peaceful retirement life. Also, I appreciate the Charity program that helps the needy in time. The program is an example for "small deeds make big things". This one of the best programs I come across ever. I will recommend to all my friends and know people.
TOP-10 Fundraisers
September 2022
An amount of money sent to charity
purposes this month thanks
to the activity of this fundraiser.
purposes this month thanks
to the activity of this fundraiser.

Vladimir Ruzanov

Russia, St. Petersburg
0 Benefactors (BUSINESS)
28 Benefactors (MARATHON)
23 Volunteers (VOLUNTEER)

Marina Vinogradova

Russia, Pskov
1 Benefactor (BUSINESS)
3 Benefactors (MARATHON)
1 Volunteer (VOLUNTEER)

Andrey Eliseev

Russia, Samara
1 Benefactor (BUSINESS)
2 Benefactors (MARATHON)
0 Volunteers (VOLUNTEER)

Irina Markelova

Russia, Rostov-na-donu
1 Benefactor (BUSINESS)
2 Benefactors (MARATHON)
0 Volunteers (VOLUNTEER)

Galina Shkurina

Russia, Novosibirsk
1 Benefactor (BUSINESS)
1 Benefactor (MARATHON)
1 Volunteer (VOLUNTEER)

Kerstin Mund

Germany, Derben
1 Benefactor (BUSINESS)
0 Benefactors (MARATHON)
0 Volunteers (VOLUNTEER)

Julia Biryukova

Russia, Ivanovo
0 Benefactors (BUSINESS)
2 Benefactors (MARATHON)
0 Volunteers (VOLUNTEER)

Igor Zherdev

Russia, Sergiyev Posad
0 Benefactors (BUSINESS)
1 Benefactor (MARATHON)
1 Volunteer (VOLUNTEER)

Olga Lebedeba

Russia, Sosnovyy Bor
0 Benefactors (BUSINESS)
1 Benefactor (MARATHON)
1 Volunteer (VOLUNTEER)

Ivan Zhelikhovskyi

Ukraine, Odessa
0 Benefactors (BUSINESS)
1 Benefactor (MARATHON)
0 Volunteers (VOLUNTEER)